Famous Last Words: Last Week of Class

This is my third-to-last assignment for this class. I still need to do the back-up and review extra credit and final revisions, and then I will have completed everything! I truly can not believe how quickly this semester has gone by, while also seemingly going by so slowly. The pandemic definitely has made this semester different than any other, and it has definitely been more difficult in a lot of ways. This upcoming week is going to primarily revolve around finishing up this class, as well as finishing up some final projects and essays in other classes. I also am awful about procrastination, so I also have some assignments to make up in another class. Hopefully this week will be fairly calm and without any complications. My overall goal for this week is to finish up all of my classes (minus a final that I can not access until Monday) so that next week I do not have to worry about anything and I can just enjoy the fact that I will be done with school forever at that point! Unfortunately I do not get to have a normal graduation party (thanks Covid) but I will get to see my family and watch the virtual graduation with them. I truly can not believe that I am almost finished with college. I have had a great four and a half years (it would have been just four but I changed my major about four times) and have made so many great memories and lifelong friendships. I am so happy to be able to call myself a University of Oklahoma alumna in just under two weeks. 

(Personal photo of my graduation box from OU)


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