Week 15 Story: If Rapunzel Had a Blog
Dear Diary,
Mother Gothel is really starting to bother me. She insists on keeping me as separated from the rest of the world as possible. She home schools me, keeps the doors of the house locked at all times, and all of the windows in my room are sealed shut except for the single round window that sits about seven feet up the wall and is way too small for even me to climb out of. The only times I have ever seen the outside world in years were by stacking some of my thousands of books on top of one another in front of the minuscule window. If she had it her way I wouldn't even be able to write in this diary. Mother doesn't even know that I know what the internet is. She thinks that I have only ever heard about cell phones and computers because she uses them. Of course, I am not allowed anywhere near her laptop or her cell phone. I can never admit that she dropped her old cell phone one day on her way out of my room and I noticed it and grabbed it. I hid it between a couple of stacks of books and she's never found it. She still thinks that she lost it when she was in the city and had to buy a new one. After a few days of exploring the cell phone and all that it had to offer, I finally discovered the internet. She would kill me if she ever found out about this blog diary.
What's really weird to me is that I'm pretty sure she used to be a fairly normal mother. I don't remember any of it very clearly, but I think there was a time when she didn't sequester me from the rest of the world. Mother Gothel has told me stories from when I was a toddler that don't completely line up with the few details that I can remember. For instance, she says that we have lived in this house since she brought me home as an infant. But I could swear that I remember my bedroom being a buttery yellow and covered in golden sunshine. It's the reason yellow has always been my favorite color. It reminds me of being happy and free, something that I know I have never felt inside this prison of a house. Not to mention the fact that there is not and has never been a single yellow wall in this house- and Mother Gothel does not do physical labor. Nor would she have ever hired a stranger to come into our home and paint the room for her.
Basically this entry is just a really long way of saying that I'm pretty sure Mother is lying to me about something. Why else would she lock me up like this? I know that it's not likely that anyone will ever read this post, but if you're out there reading this and you have any advice, please let me know. I feel myself wasting away in here and I can't take it anymore.
Author's Note: I chose to retell the story of Rapunzel in a more modern way. The original story, by the Brothers Grimm, tells the story of a couple who desperately want a child. The pregnant wife craves a plant called 'Rapunzel' and her husband trespasses in the garden of a sorceress to acquire it for her. He is caught and eventually let go on the condition that the sorceress will be given his first born child. She names the child Rapunzel and keeps her locked away. I chose to tell just the middle part of the story, and to expand on the details rather than tell the whole story in this single diary entry. Because it is written in the form of a diary entry, I don't think it would have made sense to write about more than one point in time. I chose this style of writing because I really enjoy it and have had good feedback about it on past assignments. I also chose to name the 'Rapunzel' character Aurelia, because I wanted it to be more modern and I don't think that anyone would actually name their child Rapunzel in a more modern story. I chose Aurelia because it means 'golden,' and Rapunzel is known for her golden hair.
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