
Showing posts from December, 2020


I really enjoyed this comic from Dinoman . I love dinosaurs and this comic is absolutely adorable. I watched this video of a T-Rex song because I thought that it was only fitting to watch a video about dinosaurs when my chosen graphic was about dinosaurs. It was honestly a lot more creative than I thought it would be!

Famous Last Words: Last Week of Class

This is my third-to-last assignment for this class. I still need to do the back-up and review extra credit and final revisions, and then I will have completed everything! I truly can not believe how quickly this semester has gone by, while also seemingly going by so slowly. The pandemic definitely has made this semester different than any other, and it has definitely been more difficult in a lot of ways. This upcoming week is going to primarily revolve around finishing up this class, as well as finishing up some final projects and essays in other classes. I also am awful about procrastination, so I also have some assignments to make up in another class. Hopefully this week will be fairly calm and without any complications. My overall goal for this week is to finish up all of my classes (minus a final that I can not access until Monday) so that next week I do not have to worry about anything and I can just enjoy the fact that I will be done with school forever at that point! Unfortunate...

Wikipedia Trail: From The Brothers Grimm to blank

I decided to start my wikipedia trail this week by searching for The Brothers Grimm . I chose this as my starting point because the last two weeks I have been reading stories from the Brother Grimm and I have been enjoying them a lot. I really enjoy that their original stories are much darker than the Disney versions that the majority of people are familiar with. This page led me to Hansel and Gretel . Hansel and Gretel is one of the many stories written by the Brothers Grimm. It is a story often seen as a warning to children when read in its original version. Hansel and Gretel left me a trail of breadcrumbs to Ariadne . These two pages are connected because many people have stated a similarity between the breadcrumbs in Hansel and Gretel and the thread that Ariadne gave to Theseus to conquer the Minotaur. Like the majority of myths that are passed down orally, there are many variations of Ariadne's story. This page led me to the Minotaur . The minotaur is a mythical creature that ...

Growth Mindset: Making a Motto

I chose to make my motto image on Canva.  I chose to use the words 'stronger than you seem' as my motto. It is part of a Winnie the Pooh quote; "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." I chose this quote because it means a lot to me, especially the part about being stronger than you seem. My parents have always said this quote to me and it has stuck with me. 

Ninja Text Tech Tip

Made at Fodey

Microfiction Revision: Hide and Seek

"Olivia!"  I tremble when I hear his voice. I thought he would never find me. I changed my name, cut my hair and dyed it red, and moved far away. How did he find me? I'll never forget what he did to me, but I can run until I die.  (50 Words) AFTER REVISION "Olivia!"  I tremble hearing his voice. I thought he'd never find me. I changed my name, cut and dyed my hair, and moved away. How did he find me? I'll never forget what he did, but I can run away until I die. I will never let him catch me. (50 words) "Olivia!"  Oh no. He found me.  (6 words) AFTER REVISION "Olivia!" He found me. I'm terrified. (6 words) (Source: pxhere ) Author's note: For this microfiction, I wanted to do more of a horror story. I decided to write the same story in two different lengths. I think that they both convey the same sense of terror, but one is just a larger glimpse into the reason behind the terror. I wrote these from my own imagination, and they...

Extra Credit Reading Notes

For the extra credit reading this week, I decided to watch the Crash Course series part on Goddesses and Gods . I chose this section of the series because I have always been interested in the gods and goddesses and their origin stories. I really enjoyed him using the terms 'Earth Mom' and 'Sky Dad."It was really interesting to learn about the archetypal gods as I did not know too much about that beforehand. ( Drawing of Aphrodite, Athena, and Artemis )

Week 15 Story: If Rapunzel Had a Blog

Updated story! Dear Diary,  Mother Gothel is really starting to bother me. She insists on keeping me as separated from the rest of the world as possible. She home schools me, keeps the doors of the house locked at all times, and all of the windows in my room are sealed shut except for the single round window that sits about seven feet up the wall and is way too small for even me to climb out of. The only times I have ever seen the outside world in years were by stacking some of my thousands of books on top of one another in front of the minuscule window. If she had it her way I wouldn't even be able to write in this diary. Mother doesn't even know that I know what the internet is. She thinks that I have only ever heard about cell phones and computers because she uses them. Of course, I am not allowed anywhere near her laptop or her cell phone. I can never admit that she dropped her old cell phone one day on her way out of my room and I noticed it and grabbed it. I hid it betwee...

Reading Notes: Grimm (LibriVox) Part B

I chose to continue to read the second part of the LibriVox unit because I enjoyed reading the first part. The second part contains stories that I am not as familiar with, but I still enjoyed. However, I still think that I will be using the first part of the unit to write my story for this week. I did enjoy the story of the Queen Bee . I don't think that I had heard that one before. ( The Queen Bee )

Reading Notes: Grimm (LibriVox) Part A

 I chose to continue reading stories from the Brothers Grimm for the last week of this semester. This week I chose to do the LibriVox unit because it contains stories that interest me. I chose to focus more on the story of Rapunzel  because I enjoy the story that I already know, and was interested to read the original version. I also chose to focus on this specific story because I really enjoyed modernizing Cinderella last week and think that I would like to do something similar with Rapunzel this week.                                                                                           ( Rapunzel by Huw )


  I enjoyed this graphic about procrastination , as I am constantly struggling with procrastination myself. I watched this video about commas . It was informative while still being comedic!

Famous Last Words: So Close to Graduation

I can not believe that I graduate in two weeks! This week was a really good week for me. I got a new job and quit my old one, which dropped my stress levels by a lot. I was able to have more time and more focus on school and to focus on finishing out my last semester here at OU at strongly as possible! I really enjoyed the writing that I did for my project this week. Doing both this weeks and an earlier story for my portfolio in the style of a diary has been really fun and honestly made me want to pick up writing again. I have always loved to write, but have not had time the last few years. This class has reminded me how much I enjoy it and it turns out that I really like both the diary style and the microfiction style of writing. I also really enjoy retelling classic stories in a more modern way. It was fun to think about Cinderella in a modern situation, and to think about the logistics of how that story would work. While writing the story for this week, and reviewing mine and my cla...

Wikipedia Trail: From Greek Mythology to Tartarus

I decided to start my wikipedia trail this week with a simple search of Greek Mythology . I really enjoy the classic Greek mythology stories. I think it is really cool how much Greek mythology has had an impact on the culture and arts of the modern world. This page led me to Zeus . Zeus is arguably the most well-known god and the starter of many a controversy. He fathered many of the other gods, often times by seducing a human. He often did this by disguising himself, usually as an animal. Zeus led me to Tantalus . Tantalus has always been one of my favorite stories, and I love that it is how we got the word 'tantalizing.' Tantalus is also the son of Zeus (no surprise there, though, Zeus is everyone's father). Tantalus led me to my final destination, Tartarus . Tartarus is a part of the Underworld where Tantalus and other figures in Greek mythology, including the Titans, were punished for eternity. ( Drawing of a statue of Zeus )

Microfiction: Hide and Seek

"Olivia!"  I tremble when I hear his voice. I thought he would never find me. I changed my name, cut my hair and dyed it red, and moved far away. How did he find me? I'll never forget what he did to me, but I can run until I die.  (50 Words) "Olivia!"  Oh no. He found me.  (6 words) Author's note: For this microfiction, I wanted to do more of a horror story. I decided to write the same story in two different lengths. I think that they both convey the same sense of terror, but one is just a larger glimpse into the reason behind the terror. I wrote these from my own imagination, and they honestly make me want to write a longer version.                       (Source: pxhere )

Extra Credit Reading Notes

For the extra credit reading notes for this week, I decided to watch the Mythology Overview Crash Course videos. I really enjoyed the overview about the true definition of myths versus what we often think about when we think of myths. I personally love myths the most when they have large significance and a reason why something came to be. Creation myths have always been my favorite. I found it extremely interesting in the second video of the set about the Nazis and how they justified their crimes using Herder's pro-German ideas.            Greek Gods on Mount Olympus

Growth Mindset: Exploring Growth Mindset Cats

                                     (Source: I Have Control ) I chose this growth mindset cat because it is adorable, and is also funny since it does not exactly look like the cat is in complete control of this situation.                      (Source: Growth Requires Hard Work ) I chose this growth mindset cat because the saying is accurate as well as encouraging, and the playing kitten is adorable.                                (Source: Stay Creative ) I chose this growth mindset cat because resting is very important, and because I too enjoy taking naps in the sun.

Fortune Cookie Tech Tip

  Fortune Cookie Generator

Week 14 Story: Not Another Cinderella Story

Updated story! Dear Diary, It all started when my dad met her.  We were doing just fine on our own. Sure, we missed mom, but we had each other. He was all I needed, but I guess I wasn't enough for him. Heather, my step-mother (but I like to call her my step-monster) came with suitcase upon suitcase of useless crap, as well as two daughters just as awful as herself. Gabriella and Amanda would kiss a literal frog before ever showing me an ounce of mutual respect, even though I've been nothing but pleasant (okay, maybe neutral) towards them. The three-headed monster has been around for ten years now, and it only got meaner after dad died. I'm still mad at him for driving after drinking when he knows a drunk driver is what killed mom. And I'm even more mad that he didn't leave a will and now I'm stuck with Heather and her disciples treating me like a maid.  "Ella, do the dishes!" "Ella, clean out the gutters!" "Ella, condition my wigs!"...

Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm (Crane) Part B

For this reading, I chose to continue reading The Brothers Grimm, which was translated by Lucy Crane, because I really enjoyed what I read in part A. This section of the reading contains the classic story of Snow White. I really enjoy the more classic and well-known fairy tales so I think that I would like to do my storytelling on either Snow White or Cinderella. I like the idea of modernizing them because when I was growing up I loved watching modern versions of popular fairy tales. One of my favorite movies for a while was A Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff and Chad Michael Murray! I also loved Sydney White that starred Amanda Bynes and was based off of Snow White.  Snow White via Pixy

Reading Notes: Brothers Grimm (Crane) Part A

 For this week, I decided to read the Brothers Grimm , which was translated by Lucy Crane, because I have always been interested in how strikingly different the Brothers Grimm fairy tales are compared to the ones we read today. I chose part A of the Crane portion, because it includes the classic story of Cinderella.  Cinderella, or Aschenputtel, is a classic that has been rewritten time and time again. Most of the rewrites of this tale are focused on modernizing the content. I think that it would be interesting to do another rewrite that is even more modern, and perhaps in a different setting. Maybe the wicked step-mother sends all of the girls to boarding school but Cinderella has to earn her tuition there?  Cinderella by Elena Ringo